The closest hotel to the Berkeley Yacht Club (BYC) is the Hilton DoubleTree located in the Berkeley Marina. It is a little less than 1 mile away and a beautiful 15 minute stroll down a walking path around the Marina water to BYC. There is a cafe, restaurant and bar located in the hotel. For details and reservations regarding the Hilton Doubletree, please visit their website here for more information.
There are a number of other housing options throughout the Berkeley area from smaller boutique hotels, Air B&Bs to larger fancier hotels. Just click on one of these links for more information.
There will be a bar at the event and we do not want any of our guests drinking and driving. Be prepared ahead of time and download all of your info into the Uber or Lyft app on your smart phone for a quick ride from one place to the other. Don’t have a smart phone? No problem! Here is the link to the top 10 Berkeley taxi services. Pick one you like, write it on a piece of paper and stick it in your wallet! Another option of course is to designate a driver in your party ahead of time!
The closest Bart station to BYC is the North Berkeley station and is located 2.5 miles away; easily accessible via Uber, Lift and taxi.
The Amtrak Bus Stop is also located less than 2 miles away from BYC for those of you coming from afar. Their website can be found here.